Kentuckiana Football Officials' Association
Kentuckiana Football Officials' Association
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have any age requirements to be an official?
Yes, there is an age requirement. One can't be "too old" as we have had many begin their careers in their 50s and 60s. We do have a minimum age limit of 18 years old.
What type of atheltic background are you looking for? Was it necessary to have played football on any level in order to be an official?
No athletic background required nor is there any football experience per se. We are looking for folks that love the game of football and willing to put in the time and effort in to learning the rules and mechanics.
Do you have any kind of training program?
Yes, we have an extensive training program available. We segment our training for newer officials and then have ongoing training during the life of your association with the KFOA.
What does it cost to become an official?
There are some cost associated with becoming an official. The cost of the uniform, membership dues with the KFOA and KHSAA. Most officials earn this money back within the first few weeks of officiating.
How much do you get paid to work a game(s)?
Game fees can run from $25 per game up to approximately $100 for high school championship games.
If I join - how soon will it be before I am working games?
Training typically begins in mid July for first year officials and junior league games begin tyically the first week of August. You could be working games right away on the youth leagues with high school games (Freshman and JV) later in the season and depending on your development. and the varsity schedule perhaps a varsity game late in season Varsity games come based on experience and typically may occur late into your second season.
What kind of games will I be officiating?
Runs a wide range from youth league games with ages 8 and up through Freshman, JV and Varsity high school games.
How much time is involved in doing this?
As with most advocations - the more you put in, the more you get out. With that being said, you can work as much as 7-days a week officiating football. Monday - Junior Varsity Games, Tuesday - Middle School Games, Wednesday - KFOA Training, Thursday - Freshman Games, Friday - Varsity Games, Saturday - Youth League Games, Sunday - CSAA and Youth League Games