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2020 KFOA Informational Sessions

Please email Les Pollitt for more information

1. Join the Officials Division of the KHSAA

All football officials must register and meet the licensing requirements with the Kentucky High School Athletics Association (KHSAA). No person can be assigned to officiate any football games for the KFOA without first being registered with the KHSAA.

To become registered with the KHSAA, you'll need to complete an application, pay the registration fee, take and pass an open-book rules test and join a local officials association (KFOA).

Upon receipt of your payment of the registration fee to the KHSAA the state will send you the rule books needed to study and take the test. Part I tests are now taken online and must be passed to complete your registration.

The KFOA can provide you with all the necessary information for registering with the KHSAA including the KHSAA application and will prepare you to take the exam. However you are welcome to contact the KHSAA directly at (859) 299-5472 or you may also visit their web site for additional contact information.

The KHSAA mailing address is 2280 Executive Drive, Lexington, KY 40505

2. Become a member of the KFOA

Each official registered with the KHSAA must also belong to a local officials association. The KFOA is the local officials association serving the Metro Louisville area.

Requirements for membership include payment of annual dues and attendance at all regular KFOA meetings.

The KFOA is the organization ultimately responsible for training officials and providing football officials for local games. The KFOA generally holds two new member orientation sessions per year in June, then conducts weekly meetings from mid July through October of each year.

Check the Calendar on this Web Site for the current list of meetings.

For more information contact us.

It is important to attend one of the two new member orientation meetings in June (dates, time and location to be determined, please check the calendar for updates). You will be able to find out all you need to know about becoming an official at these meetings. Note that you will only need to attend one of the two as the same information will be presented at each meeting.

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